Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Weekend (Plus some) Update

We have been so busy. Our son took the SAT (my baby!!) Saturday morning. I spent the day Saturday preparing for our Spring Mission Festival at church. I helped the ladies set up tables and get the church ready in the early afternoon. Our guest speaker and his wife arrived around 4:30. We took them out for dinner. It was prom night, and we had been concerned that the restaurant would be packed later in the evening. Just in case we bought 4 nice steaks and some shrimp to grill if they arrived late. Since they arrived early, we went to eat at Chili's. Our son went to eat at Big House Burgers (our other restaurant) with some buddies so they could watch the big fight (PPV). Sunday, we had church, followed by a fellowship meal. Then we were off to church #2. Then we were off to church #3 for the LWML Spring Rally (Lutheran Women's Missionary League). Our plan was to cook our steaks when we got home, but it was 6:00 by then and I ordered pizza. Monday we celebrated our daughters 22nd birthday. She and her hubby, and the in-laws came over and we cooked out hamburgers and hot-dogs. It was really a lot of fun getting everyone together. Today, I finally got a haircut :) and we cooked our steaks - at last. We had a nice lady from church come and share our meal. It was a nice evening. Now the day is coming to an end. I am very tired and hope I sleep well. It seems that I've had trouble going to sleep and then get so sleepy during the day!


Mrs. Darling said...

Wow sounds like a full day. I too hope you can sleep tonight.

Constance said...

Your daughter's beautiful! What a glow-I'll bet you're counting down the days! Your life sounds as busy as mine!

Special K ~Toni said...

Your daughter is a beautiful pregnant lady! I was much more of the 'haggered' type.

Toni ♥