We had another banquet last night (May is a busy month for families with kids in school). This was the banquet honoring the Top Ten students of each class. Jacob remains #7. Although I am definitely bragging on Jacob, I'm also pleased as punch with our kids from church. Of the 20 kids from the freshman and sophomore classes, SEVEN are members of our church. Hannah and David (on either end) from 9th grade; Jacob, Amber, Zach, Abigail, and Sara from 10th. Our kids totally ROCK!
Just a side note, I had all kinds of problems with my new watch. Suddenly, *duh*, I thought to myself - why didn't I take out the metal detector and see if I can find the old one? Eureka! Found it in like 5 minutes. Quick wash in the sink, and my arm feels like itself again. Of course today I got all the way to WalMart and realized I hadn't picked up my bag of returns *double-duh*.
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