Monday, April 23, 2007

Judge and Jury

Judge & Jury by James Patterson. James Patterson is one of my favorite authors. Probably because his chapters are so short - usually only 2 pages! But I never have to put down the book in the middle of a chapter :) This was an excellent read. An FBI agent is struggling to get a mafia boss convicted of murder. This first trial ends in a disaster, and the second trial doesn't come out much better. He and a member of the first trial jury team up both romantically and revengefully. Certainly worth your time.


Mammy said...

:) thx for the comment! I have been fiddling with blogging on and off for a couple years and still not quite sure what the proper ettiquette is, lol.

I read a ton of blogs but overall don't comment very much, I just read and go on to the next blog. I'm guessing most people probably do the same thing.

Special K ~Toni said...

Thanks! Might have to go pick this one up for the weekend!