Sunday, April 8, 2007

Another Easter Comes and Goes

Another Lenten/Easter season draws to a close. My husband is exhausted after many weeks of additional sermons to write and services to prepare. One out of town funeral, one wedding, and many hospital visits. needed rest.

For our Easter dinner I prepared:

Honey glazed spiral cut ham
Hash brown potato casserole
Texas Corn Pudding
Cornbread Dressing (Stuffing)
Deviled eggs
Cranberry sauce (jellied of course!)
Crescent rolls (from a tube of course!)

Our daughter and son-in-law came and visited and ate with us. She is looking so cute during her pregnancy. They are so happy and excited! After the last dish was washed, I called my mom in Fort Worth and talked to her for an hour. She was in good spirits and we shared some funny stories.

Our Easter weekend was COLD. Yesterday was a high of 54! The Sunday School kids had their coats on for their Easter Egg hunt. Last night 38 - unheard of this far south. My mom had snow in Fort Worth. How did my husband know a month ago when he picked out my Easter outfit (with a long sleeve linen jacket) that it would be so chilly?? (That is of course the question I'm never supposed to ask - How'd you know?)

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