Friday, April 20, 2007

Computers, Computers, Computers

We have been pulling our hair out all day with our computer. Even went to Wally world and almost bought a new one. Apparently while we were in Austin, our beloved son opened some site that infected our computer with a killer Adware. We have tried all week to delete this thing. Our computer is protected like a fortress: firewall, anti-virus, anti-spyware, anti-adware. You name it - we've got it on there. This thing just wouldn't go away. Finally, we managed to remove it. Scans came back clean... for now. This poor computer has been started and restarted way too many times today. I did make a point to back up all my pictures and our word documents.

On top of all this, I've got a doozy of a cold that came on in the car traveling home from Austin. Headache, runny/stuffed up nose, just enough fever to make your eyes burn. I'm taking my handy Mexican antibiotic, extra vitamin C, green tea, lots of juice and water. What a drag waiting for it to go away.


Mammy said...

Sorry you are sick. I will pray for your speedy healing!

BTW, the little shirt is super cute :)

Julo said...

Hope you get to feeling better!

I'm convinced, as a new Mac user, that a Mac is a superior machine. You don't have to have any of that virus protection stuff and it's not as buggy as a PC. If you decide to get a new one, seriously look into one. It takes a little getting used to, but you can buy software, like Microsoft Office, to use on an Apple.

Love that shirt! Dressing little girls is so much fun!