Saturday, January 1, 2011


If God is for us, [and He is], who can be against us?  Romans 8:31

A new year - 2011.  How time flies.  We heard a wonderful sermon last night about Romans 8.  What a wonderful and comforting piece of scripture.  I had a smooth and blessed 2010.  There's no guarantee that 2011 will be the same.  Many people have faced countless struggles in the past year.  How easy it is to feel like everyone is against us.  And then God speaks to us through his word.  No one can pry us out of His hands.  "If God is for us, who can be against us?"  As I approach a new year, I pray I will always keep these words close to my heart.

To blog or not to blog.  Am I feeling bloggy in this new year?  I don't know.  There are so many cyber related things that suck up my time.  How high a priority do I want to put those things?  Blog, classroom blog, school web page, Facebook (!), e-mail, etc. etc. etc.  There are, after all, real life, flesh and blood things going on that need my attention.  I am a terrible manager and prioritizer of my time.  I do feel like trying to blog again this year.  But I have a wonderful husband to spend time with; a terrific son to interact with each day; a delightful daughter and her family a mere hour away...I must grasp each and every moment possible with the people that mean the most to me.  And my job - talk about poor time management - I have very little spare time at work and I don't always utilize every bit of it...leaves me a bit frantic at moments.  Must do better so that I have less to carry home with me.  So, I guess I will try to blog.  It will be low on my newly formed priority list.

So, if I have any readers left out there, drop me a note and let me know you're there.  See you soon!

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