Sunday, March 2, 2008

March Already??

March 2...where does the time go? If only we could slow it down...You hear it said that when someone is dying their life flashes before their eyes...I feel that way most of the time. It seems just like yesterday that I had two little kids at home - reading stories and cuddling on the couch. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't change a thing! I'm so proud of those kids. Sarah's found her perfect place in life with a great husband and a beautiful little girl. She has blossomed and thrived being a wife and mother, and I'm so glad she heard God's calling to that role. So many women miss it, and consequently miss the joys that come with that role. Jacob has grown into a fine young man. Still a boy in some ways, but responsible and mature in ways appropriate for his age:) Like Sarah, he is an excellent student, and doesn't grouse too much about it. lol.

This week, Jacob had a craving for Kraft Macaroni and Cheese please. He asked me to please go to the store, buy some, and cook it up for him. I, of course, did just that. He poured it into a bowl, and spooned it down in no time. He looked up and said, "Thank you so much for fixing is so good." I asked him if it made him feel like a boy again to which he replyed, "Yeah, I think it does." I told him he just needed fish sticks to go with it. "I forgot fish sticks even existed!" I love the moments where his little boy side shines through.

Markus had another loss in Soccer on Friday. He did discover that the opponents had an exchange student from Germany, too. He enjoyed their short visit.

Jacob had tennis on Friday and didn't play as well as he would have liked. The good side was he played on the courts right outside my classroom, so I could peek out the window at him, and he picked me up for lunch. Lunch was nice, I think the first time we've ever had lunch together during school.

Saturday was busy. We drove to Corpus for a choir concert in the afternoon. Our choir director was singing in a concert. It was very good, and I'm glad we decided to go. After returning, we had a bar-b-q to attend. My friend from school's son is leaving for the Air Force tomorrow, and they had a big send off for him. The food was excellent, and Terrell is such a nice young man I was glad to be there for his party.

Next week is Lutheran School Week, so we have lots of fun things planned for the kids. My main job today is grading. Maybe 100's for everyone??


Constance said...

I had to laugh about the Mac & Cheese! My 2 youngest absolutely LOVE that stuff. Not the way I make it, by the way! I have the cheese all nice and smooth and they love it lumpy!!! Of course, not just any Kraft Mac & Cheese will do. I have been told that the "shapes" actually taste better! Ok fine, whatever!
Ha Ha!

Jules said...

I totally agree that the Spiral Mac and cheese tastes way better! ;)

I often think about how fast my kids are growing up. It is so bittersweet! I try to enjoy every minute of their childhoods, even when it isn't so pretty. And then I tell them that they each have to give me 5 grandchildren so I'll always have babies around me!:)

Jennifer said...

ahhh Mac and Cheese. Total comfort food.
I wish you would have been my teacher.