Valentine's Day - a day that brings me much happiness, and also sadness. Happiness, because I have the wonderful pleasure to be married to my best friend. The most amazing and wonderful man. A man I cannot imagine my life without. God brought us together - we were meant to be together - there is no doubt. We had a very nice day. We started out with breakfast at McD's before school. I made one of Allan's favorite meals - pot roast with carrots, potatoes and gravy. I made a wonderful dessert - Lemon Tart with Almond Crust. I had never made it before, and even borrowed a tart pan. Did NOT think that watery lemon filling would ever make a solid...but it did, and it was delicious. I came home to a beautiful vase of flowers and chocolates. We don't usually exchange gifts on this day anymore. It really is Valentines Day everyday for us. We both are always looking for opportunities to do nice things for one another. Even the most everyday things are special to us, just going through them together. We're very blessed. I read somewhere in cyber space someone's comment that people who go all out for Valentines Day are missing the point if they limit their kindnesses to one day a year. I feel sad on this day, because I know too many people who do not have a relationship with their husband like I have with mine. I wish everyone could be so happy. However, I am not willing to share:)
As for the week past:
I did in fact go to school on Sunday (with hubby along for the ride) and did my lesson plans, so I started the week prepared after all. It was a crazy week because of Valentine's. The kids were worked up all week, and Thurday they were hopped up on sugar big time. I, of course, walked out of the house leaving the box of their gifts on the table. Allan brought it out to me.
Jacob played in his first tournament - post injury - Tuesday. He got 4th place doubles. His ankle seemed to hold up OK, but said he wasn't moving around very good yet.
Markus had soccer games on Wednesday (Lost) and Friday (Tied). He continues to have a good time playing, and hopefully they are coming together better as a team.
I had someone ask me about my menu sheet that I use each week. I am apparently too computer illiterate to figure out how to attach it, but it is just a 3-column list with Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner for columns. I plan the meals, then make a list of ingredients that I need. I put my shopping list on the back, and group things by where they are in the store. It's simple, but it works for me.
Mrs. Darling posted about Spring cleaning the very day I began thinking about it. It will be harder this year since I'm working, but I can hardly wait to begin going through and throwing away things. It gives me much satisfaction to thin out our stuff. We have a lot of stuff. A lot.
My brain is getting tired. Boys are coming over later tonight, so I must get the kitchen cleaned, and my things put away. Laundry is still in progress. Allan's shoulder is still killing him. My prayer is for a good nights sleep for us both.
Isnt it so wonderful to be so in love? I see so many people unhappy in their marriages and I feel so blessed but saddened that they don't share what my hubby and I have. God Bless you and yours. BTW I would love the Lemon tart recipe if you are up for sharing
Sounds like youve been busy!
There really is nothing like the love of a husband is there?
Lifting my glass to spring cleaning!
Oh it sounds like you have a wonderful hubby! I'm glad!
Spring cleaning is starting to pop up in my head off and on now too. Now I just wish this weather would warm up so we can actually start to feel spring-ish! ;)
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