Saturday, February 9, 2008

End of an Era (OK -- a short era!)

My streak of being a well prepared teacher is over. I have a big stack of papers to grade, and no lesson plans for Monday. *sigh* I went several days without grading at home, and before you know it - I'm way behind. Even worse - it is Saturday night and I STILL haven't graded them. We had a field trip Friday, which took up all my planning time, so no lesson plans. Unless I go tomorrow and throw something together.

We had a busy week. Jacob was cleared to practice again, which he was glad about. We ordered him high-top tennis shoes, which he totally and completely hates. His first tournament post injury is Tuesday. I hope he does well what with not practicing for 3 weeks.

Markus played with the varsity soccer team yesterday, and had a really good time. The team lost, but he was happy that the coach said he could play on varsity.

Our friends from New Orleans were in town visiting this week - their schools have a week off for Mardi Gras. It was great to see them again so soon. They left this morning, which left Jacob feeling a bit lost without his best friend around.

Mrs. Darling posted this week about not making weekly menus. As always, I am totally impressed with this great lady. However, I am not her. I am not by nature efficient. Leaving meals to last minute planning spells disaster in our house. I have to work hard at what little efficiency I have. I plan out my meals on Saturday morning. (Even have a form I print off to fill in the blanks, and make my shopping list on the back.) This works for me. It is great to just look at the list and know what I'm cooking that night. Remembering to take thinks out of the freezer the night before can some times pose a problem. lol. Since I've gone back to work, this method has really taken away some of the stress that was there before when I worked. Plus, Allan hates to be asked, "What would you like to have for dinner?" That little bit of planning and thinking makes the everyday task of getting dinner on the table at the same time every night much, much easier.

I've enjoyed catching up with everyone, and have stuck to my Groundhog's Day Resolution for exactly one week. Pat myself on the back:)


Jennifer said...

Hi. I try to remember to take something out of the freezer every morning but it doesn't always work. LOL. My kids are happy with hot dogs mac and cheese and cereal but not me.

Mammy said...

I am bad about not taking things out of the freezer too!

Jules said...

Hi Caroline! Thanks for checking out my new space and saying hello!

How did today go, with no lesson plan? I hope you survived! ;)

mommy to six J's said...

I am horrible at plannin gmeals I like the print out idea maybe you cul dpost it for all of us un prepared gals thanks char