Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Workers Remorse

I have it -- big time -- workers remorse. I've not worked the past two school years, and have loved every minute of being the SAHM. And I'm excited about being back in the classroom, with a whole new group and age of kids. A little nervous, but excited. I've already enjoyed visiting and seeing my old friends from school -- all good. But this week - my last one -- I'm filled with lasts. Our last Monday breakfast out together, our last Tuesday lunch shared...soon, I'll be to our last Friday off. I miss my husband already, and school hasn't even begun. No more popping in at the office (I know he won't miss THAT). No more quick visits during the day. I know I'll be fine come Monday.


Special K ~Toni said...

I am over here doing my happy dance since I only have 5(!) days until FREEDOM! Well, freedom for 7 hours!

Anonymous said...

Don't you just wish you could throw a dart at a picture of special K Toni??? I do! hee hee

Special K ~Toni said...

N&E mom- you need to go to the principals office! Evil doer!

Ahem... I was stopping by to tell you I saw a commercial the other night that they are turning the JP's "Women's Murder Mystery Club" into a weekly series to be aired on Fridays!

I don't remember what station-(I think CBS) but I will let you know! I really hope they don't screw this up!

Caroline said...

Girls, girls...don't make me send you to time out. (Hopefully that sounded really mean and forceful!)

Special K ~Toni said...

Umm... no- were you wagging your finger at the same time? ;)