Am I bad at blogging or what?? While my beloved was in Austin taking a class last week, Jacob and I traveled to Ft. Worth to visit family. We had a great time! It was so great to see everyone. We went with my mom to get her a new computer. She had been using one that had a 51/4" floppy drive :(), so she was way past due! Since she is really attached to her dial-up, it took some time getting things downloaded. She has figured out all the important bells and whistles, however, and seems pleased with her purchase. We changed some light bulbs, at breakfast at a great little place, and basically had a blast talking and catching up. I sure wish we could see each other more often.
There was a lot of excitement at Allan's parents - the first night there, lightening struck close to their house, and fried 3-4 computers, fax, phones, DVD, TV's, A/C, etc... FIL was still making a list for insurance at the end of the week when we left. What a pain! He's an accountant, and was frantic without his computers, and all stored on them. On top of this, my MIL was obviously not feeling well, and discovered on Thursday that she has SHINGLES! What a nightmare - I feel so bad for her. I've known several people who've suffered through that, and it is no fun, that is for sure.
Jacob and I went on Friday night to Billy Bob's Texas to see Kevin Fowler. Yes, that's right, the largest honky-tonk in the world. The concert was excellent, but I was definitely out of my comfort zone. Oddly enough, a friend from home was also visiting her grandmother that weekend, and was at the concert. He got to do some boot-scootin' and had a really good time. We were standing outside the concert area before it started, and a young man we'd seen in the gift shop walked up and asked if I was Jacob's mom. He said yes, and the young man asked if we'd like tickets to sit down. We said sure. Turns out he'd won them on a radio station. How sad, in thinking later, that he won probably 4 tickets, and had no one there with him. He must have been between 18-21, because he was alone, and he had no hand stamp and was consuming soda! He also scooted his chair at one point directly on top of my big toenail---OUCH. I almost cried it hurt so bad.
We had done some outlet mall shopping on the way up, and intended to go into Cabella's on the way back, but I must have been so sleep depraved that I completely missed it! We were both looking forward to seeing one of these stores in person. Arrived home safe Saturday night, thrilled to see Allan. We hate being apart. So good to be home again.
I am almost finished with Harry Potter - 6 (I wanted to reread it since I really couldn't remember it at all and Allan was busy reading -7-) Can't wait to get to #7. We actually have 2 copies - Jacob's got one and we shared the 2nd. We went to see The Simpsons movie Sunday afternoon - funny, funny, funny. Loved it.
Tried all day yesterday to catch up in the blogging world. Managed to get through almost all of your blogs, but the computer kept freezing up, hince the tardiness of my updated posting. Maybe I'll do better now...
Glad to know that I am not the only excited about outlet malls and Harry Potter. I am expecting a copy in the mail soon!!
Lol...we just got our new Cabella's catelogue in the mail today - what a coincidence. :) Glad ur back.
Oh I love outlet malls but Ive never read a harry Potter book!
We have a Cabela's close to us. (Sort of) It is really a place you have to see to believe.
Kind of like IKEA. :)
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