Having trouble sleeping this evening. Thought I'd check out the old blog. This was something I really enjoyed doing for quite some time. I think I may revisit it.
We are in a new place now. My husband is still a Lutheran pastor, and a darn good one at that. I'm still a Lutheran teacher. Our church and school are bigger than before, which brings a whole new set of blessings and struggles.
We have developed some new interests in our new place, far away from our kids and their families. We love to dance...Texas country, two-steppin', waltzing fun. We have an amazing little venue we love and usually dance 2-3 times a week. We are close enough to our family farm to spend as much time there as we'd like.
I'll be tweeking some things and updating my list of links...hopefully find some new people to follow. I will try to share some insights into our new lives, into my walk of faith, and sometimes some of the heartaches that come along the way.
Here's to making a new beginning and new friends.
1 comment:
Wow, wonderful, enjoy your new adventure!
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