Yes, today was my first day back...sigh... But seriously, I have the greatest job ever. As far as teaching jobs go, this is top notch. None of the nonsense that goes with public school, and all the perks of small classes, involved parents, and great co-workers.
Here's my list from last week:
1. Take all recycling to the recycling center. DONE ON TUESDAY
2. Clean our office from top to bottom (hopefully throwing away mountains of stuff!) SORT OF DONE - ONE BAG OF TRASH, AND MAJOR DUSTING.
3. Sort through my cloths and take bags to Goodwill. ONE BAG AND 2 MATTRESSES (thanks for the help Jacob!)
4. Tan (If we get some sunny weather after last weeks cold and drizzle.) THREE DAYS - MINOR TAN LINES.
5. Read the new Vince Flynn book. (Preferable while accomplishing #4) EXCELLENT, AS THEY ALWAYS ARE.
6. Take a mid-day bike ride each day. 3 DAYS (INCLUDING RETURNING #5)
7. Repair the sofa ruffle. (Darn those cats:) DONE
8. Update the web pages I'm responsible for. DONE
9. Clean house. (Although last on the list, this will be top priority - my beloved does this each week so I don't have to so I'm going to beat him to it this week.) 90% COMPLETE
Also did 3 scrapbook pages from 2006 and filed several packages of photos into albums.
Two exciting things today...another case of head lice...ick...and Dancing w/the Stars. Loved it. How cute is Ty. Wonder who will go home tomorrow???
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