Tuesday, November 6, 2007


The past three weeks have been a whirlwind of activities. So be prepared for a gi-normous post tonight, beginning with the most recent and working backwards. . .

Yesterday was Jacob's 17th birthday. I can barely believe that he is 17 - it was like yesterday that we brought him home from the hospital. He had a pretty nice day, I think. We grilled brats outside and had sour kraut and potato salad with it. He chose cheesecake for his cake.
We went to the farm for opening weekend of deer season this past weekend. We had no luck with the hunting, but loads of fun shooting! Our newest family member also went along for his first hunting experience. We have an exchange student from Berlin living with us until the end of the school year. Unfortunately his first host family didn't work out, and he was left with no where to stay. He and Jacob have a class together...and the rest is history. His name is Markus, and is a really nice, polite, and courteous young man. I think he will fit in terrifically with our family, and are looking forward to getting to know him better.Obviously, when they found the box of rubber gloves in Grandmothers kitchen, great minds must think alike:)

Text Messaging Woes
Our Jacob is not much of a phone talker...but he has become quite the texter. He has done wonderfully with the $10 texting plan that has 200 non-ATT texts and unlimited ATT. But...Apparently he has made some friends who are non-ATT. To the tune of 600+ texts over the 200 limit...at .10 each. Needless to say we have changed to the $20 texting plan with is unlimited.

Finally, I was tagged by The Lutheran Hen to tell you seven thing about myself that you wouldn't know. This isn't as easy as you'd think. I'm supposed to tag 7 more people, but my brain is too tired, so if you're reading, consider yourself tagged!

Seven things about me:
1) I am an only child (probably almost as spoiled then as I am now!)
2) I played trombone in high school. (Can you get any nerdy?)
3) I would love to be able to sing and dance.
4) My favorite cake was always my grandmother Bibby's marble cake with chocolate icing.
5) I absolutely hate, hate to clean the bathroom.
6) I hate to exercise - never feel the endorphine things
7) My favorite band growing up was The Who, but now am fond of Kevin Fowler.

That was not the least bit exciting. *sigh*


Constance said...

This was great! I cut out the SAME EXACT "Zits" cartoon and it is on my fridge!!!! The way that guy cartoons, I swear he uses our family for his matierial! I have tons of them clipped out!!!!

Loved the John Deere clock!

My son just celebrated his 17th birthday last month so I know EXACTLY what you're talking about!

Trombone!!! WOW, I am impressed! The only thing I can play is the stereo!


mommy to six J's said...

Happy birthday to the big 17 year old. thanks for sharing you list with all of us Char

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to tell you how wonderful I thought it was that you opened your home to that young man. I would love to have an exchange student sometime when my kids are older.

Mammy said...

Happy belated anniversary....& happy happy to the teenager:) I loved the cartoon.

Anonymous said...

Ha! I love to meet the person who actually LIKES cleaning the bathroom. :) Happy Holidays and if you get a chance swing by my blog, I've got links to some really great giveaways! Come try your luck to win!

Special K ~Toni said...

I think it is wonderful that y'all opened your home to Markus! WOW! your baby is 17! Time flies! I miss reading your blog! Guess that is the price we pay when we return to the working world!

Mammy said...

Miss you out here in the Blogosphere. Hope all is well.:)

Anonymous said...

Good evening

Awesome blog, great write up, thank you!